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オーストラリアで刑務所の所長をしているキルスティ・ミラー(Kirsti Miller)は、アクアスロン(水泳と長距離走を続けて行う競技)の元世界チャンピオンで、国際殿堂入りを二度も果たしたアスリートだ。同時期にラグビー界でも活躍し、その後も地域のサッカーチームに参加。今はスポーツ界でのダイバーシティ教育に関わっている。




FACT: Including trans athletes will benefit everyone.
MYTH: The participation of trans athletes hurts cis women.


Many who oppose the inclusion of trans athletes erroneously claim that allowing trans athletes to compete will harm cisgender women.






This divide and conquer tactic gets it exactly wrong. Excluding women who are trans hurts all women. It invites gender policing that could subject any woman to invasive tests or accusations of being "too masculine" or "too good" at their sport to be a "real" woman.


This myth reinforces stereotypes that women are weak and in need of protection.


Politicians in Australia, the Us & Uk have used the "protection" trope time and time again, including in 2016 when they tried banning trans people from public restrooms by creating the debunked "bathroom predator"myth.


The real motive is never about protection — it's about excluding trans people from yet another public space. The arena of sports is no different.
On the other hand, including trans athletes will promote values of non-discrimination and inclusion among all student athletes.


As longtime coach and sports policy expert Helen Carroll explains, efforts to exclude subsets of girls from sports, "can undermine team unity and also encourage divisiveness by policing who is 'really' a girl."


Dr. Mary Fry adds that youth derive the most benefits from athletics when they are exposed to caring environments where teammates are supported by each other and by coaches.

Dr. メアリー・フライも、若者が運動からもっとも多くの利益を得られるのは、チームメイトたちが互いにサポートしあい、コーチたちにもサポートされているような思いやりのある環境に身を置ける時だ、とコメントしている。

Banning some girls from athletics because they are transgender undermines this cohesion and compromises the wide-ranging benefits that youth get from sports.


FACT: Trans athletes do not have an unfair advantage in sports.
MYTH: Trans athletes' physiological characteristics provide an unfair advantage over cis athletes.
Women and girls who are trans face discrimination and violence that makes it difficult to even stay in school.


According to the U.S. Trans Survey, 22 percent of trans women who were perceived as trans in school were harassed so badly they had to leave school because of it. Another 10 percent were kicked out of school.


The idea that women and girls have an advantage because they are trans ignores the actual conditions of their lives.


Trans athletes vary in athletic ability just like cisgender athletes. "One high jumper could be taller and have longer legs than another, but the other could have perfect form, and then do better," explains Andraya Yearwood, a student track athlete.


"One sprinter could have parents who spend so much money on personal training for their child, which in turn, would cause that child to run faster. " In Connecticut, where cisgender girl runners have tried to block Andraya from participating in the sport she loves,..

….the very same cis girls who have claimed that trans athletes have an "unfair" advantage have consistently performed as well as or better than transgender competitors.


"A person's genetic make-up and internal and external reproductive anatomy are not useful indicators of athletic performance," according to Dr. Joshua D. Safer.

Dr. ジョシュア・D・セイファーによれば、「ある人の遺伝的構成や、再生産(訳者注:子どもをつくること)に関する体内外の臓器は、運動能力の指標としては役に立ちません」

For a trans woman athlete who meets NCAA standards, "there is no inherent reason why her physiological characteristics related to athletic performance should be treated differently from the physiological characteristics of a non-transgender woman."

更に、NCAA の基準を満たしているトランス女性のアスリートについては「運動能力に関係しているその人の生理学的な特徴が、トランスジェンダーではない女性の生理学的特徴とは別物として扱われるべきと言える内在的な根拠はありません」と述べている。

FACT: Trans girls are girls.
MYTH: Sex is binary, apparent at birth, and identifiable through singular biological characteristics.


Girls who are trans are told repeatedly that they are not "real" girls and boys who are trans are told they are not "real" boys. Non-binary people are told that their gender is not real and that they must be either boys or girls.


None of these statements are true. Trans people are exactly who we say we are.

There is no one way for women's bodies to be. Women, including women who are transgender, intersex, or disabled, have a range of different physical characteristics.


"A person's sex is made up of multiple biological characteristics and they may not all align as typically male or female in a given person," says Dr. Safer.

Dr. セイファーは「人の性別は多数の生物学的特徴の組み合わせによるもので、同じ人の中でもそれらの特徴が典型的に男性もしくは女性であると一貫しているとは限らない」と言う。

Further, many people who are not trans can have hormones levels outside of the range considered typical of a cis person of their assigned sex.


When a person does not identify with the sex they were assigned at birth, they must be able to transition socially — and that includes participating in sports consistent with their gender identity.


According to Dr. Deanna Adkins, excluding trans athletes can be deeply harmful and disruptive to treatment.

Dr. ディアナ・アドキンスによれば、トランスのアスリートを排除することは非常に有害であり、(訳者注:トランスジェンダーであることに伴う)治療を妨げることになる。

FACT: Trans people belong on the same teams as other students.
MYTH: Trans students need separate teams.


Trans people have the same right to play sports as anybody else. "For the past nine years," explains Carroll, "transgender athletes have been able to compete on teams at NCAA member collegiate and…

universities consistent with their gender identity like all other student-athletes with no disruption to women's collegiate sports."

トランスの人々は他の誰とも同等なスポーツ参加の権利を持っている。キャロルによれば、「過去9年間、NCAA に加盟している大学において、他のすべての学生アスリートと同様に自らの性自認と合ったチームでトランスジェンダーのアスリートは競技をしているが、女性の大学スポーツがそれによって破壊されたという事実は無い」という。

Excluding trans people from any space or activity is harmful, particularly for trans youth. A trans high school student, for example, may experience detrimental effects….

to their physical and emotional wellbeing when they are pushed out of affirming spaces and communities. As Lindsay Hecox says, "I just want to run."


Believing and perpetuating myths and misconceptions about trans athletes is harmful. Denying trans people the right to participate is discrimination and it doesn't just hurt trans people, it hurts all of us.




As a former male dual International athlete & first grade male rugby league player I never suffered any broken bones in over 27 years of men's sport. In my first year as a transitioned female soccer & @aflwomens player I broke 3 bones in my arm playing soccer & 4 ribs playing AFL

2競技における元国際男子アスリート、またラグビーリーグでの一軍男子選手として、私は27年以上の男子スポーツ界での経験上、一度も骨折したことがありませんでした。性別移行をしてからサッカーと女子オーストラリアン・フットボール・リーグ(AFL)での活動を始めると、1年目ですでにサッカーで腕を3箇所、AFL で肋骨を4箇所も骨折しました。

The XY transitioned female generates no hormones within an acute few years, then body goes into complete menopausal state; due to complete androgen deprivation creating 24 major contraindications the body no longer is able to support itself as protein cell synthesis ceases,

is a key need and function of the human physiology which all high performance athlete require need to maintain health body and in mind.

XY 染色体を持つ女性が性別移行をすると、直後数年の間に、ホルモンを生成できなくなります。アンドロゲンが喪失するため、身体が完全に更年期状態に入ります。禁忌(訳者注:身体的な状況が理由で、受けるべき治療ができなくなること)が24こ発生し、細胞のタンパク質合成が止まることにより、身体が自身を支えられなくなります。


The transitioned female is actually competing at a disadvantage and eventually will no longer be able to participate in high performance sport due to the bodies ability unable to support itself, putting the athlete at incredible risk.


XX females androgen receptors designed by nature for the purpose of conception, are highly sensitive to testosterone requiring 6-8 times less to attain the same level of health of someone born XY chromosome.

XX 染色体を持つ女性は妊娠のためにアンドロゲン受容体を持っていますが、これはテストステロンに非常に敏感ですので、XY 染色体を持って生まれた人の6分の1〜8分の1のテストステロンの量で、同等の健康レベルを保つことが出来ます。

An XY male becomes unwell at 9-12nimol/L androgens known as Hypogonadism. Requiring Androgen support to bring up levels to meet the needs of healthy body function.

XY 染色体を持つ男性はアンドロゲンが9〜12ナノモル/Lまで下がると性腺機能低下症と呼ばれる状況に陥ります。そういった場合は、健康的な身体機能に必要なレベルまでアンドロゲンを摂取する必要が出てきます。

An XY female goes into menopause at 9.6nmol/L after transition the body loses the ability to generate any hormone and reduced to a level 0.4nmol /L. The transitioned females are made very unwell. Eventually making sport impossible.

XY 染色体を持つ女性が性別移行をすると、9.6ナノモル/Lの時点で更年期状態に入ります。そしてホルモンの生成ができなくなり、0.4ナノモル/Lまで下がります。性別移行をした女性はかなり健康状態が下がり、最終的にはスポーツをすることが不可能になります。

The XX female functions healthy between nurtural [sic: natural] testosterone levels 1-3nmol/L. Below 1nmol/L XX women become unwell. This illustrates the receptor uptake ability and sensitivity of XX females

XX 染色体を持つ女性は自然なテストステロン値1-3ナノモル/Lで健康を保つことが出来ます。XX 染色体を持つ女性の健康状態が良くなくなるのは、1ナノモル/Lを下回ったときです。つまりこれは、XX 染色体を持つ女性の受容体の(訳者注:テストステロンに対する)吸収能力と敏感さを示しています。

XY women are the only women forced to compete in sport unhealthy, in a complete androgen deprivation state – only athlete competing unwell as a prerequisite to participate in sport.

XY 染色体を持つ女性は、女性の中でも唯一、不健康な状態で、つまりアンドロゲンが完全に失われた状態でスポーツをやることを強いられているのです。その状態にあることで、初めてスポーツに参加するための要件を満たすことができるのです。


Can I also add from personal experience, after going on testosterone and reaching puberty levels of it, it did absolutely jack shit to make me a better athlete. Top-heaviness nerfed me and any extra muscle I gained went into hauling 20 extra lbs of weight around.


※カバー写真は The Daily Advertiser の記事より。


1985年5月26日生まれ。栃木県足利市出身、ニュージーランドとアメリカを経て現在は群馬県館林市在住。2011年にシカゴ大学大学院社会科学修士課程を中退。以降ジェンダー・セクシュアリティを中心に執筆や講演など評論活動をしています。 LGBT運動と排外主義のかかわり、資本主義とLGBT、貧困二世・三世のLGBT/クィア、性的欲望に関する社会的言説の歴史、セックスワーカーの権利と尊厳などに特に関心があります。